Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Marshmallow Roast Anyone?

At our house, we are very fortunate to have a nice size lot with a beautiful forest full of trees in the back yard to wake up to every day.
A few months ago we got a new trampoline, and it just so happens, the best spot in our yard to place it was on a patio where our fire pit lived. So out went the fire pit to make room for the kids trampoline. What to do with our “homeless” fire pit became one of my latest projects.

Walking around my yard, I discovered a spot that might just work.  I thought, "I could kill two birds with one stone; have a new home for the fire pit, and clean up an area that was slowly becoming an eye sore".
Making the transformation involved a lot of digging, cutting and pruning back the brush and trees, raking leaves, laying stone, gravel and mulch.  The actual fire pit even got a makeover.  It has gone from dirty beige to a bright apple red and really adds an extra pop of color back there.

Our poor homeless fire pit before


Of course the scene wouldn’t be complete without a few extras(stay tuned for part two) and marigolds in flower pots to ward off the mosquitoes.  So here it is…welcome to our new back yard family fun spot!

Our new space at dusk...the perfect time for a marshmallow roast!
Stay tuned for part two of my back yard makeover where I will show you how I have STAGED it to create a magical space!


  1. Nice Blog page and awesome transformation Kim! Well Done

    Karyn Terpstra
    Simply Memorable Staging and Redesign

  2. What a difference! How did you define the area you filled with rock and mulch? What keeps it in place?

  3. Thanks Karyn and Denise! There is a black plastic edging liner that is keeping the rocks from escaping and separating into the mulch.

  4. Beautiful job Kim!
