Saturday, December 17, 2011

Merry Christmas To All!

As I am writing this post, it is a week before Christmas and I strangely feel quite calm and prepared for the events of the upcoming week. The shopping and wrapping is all pretty much done and I am surrounding by festive decorations and the beauty of tiny, sparkling white lights nestled inside our Christmas tree.

Today I planned my Christmas dinner from right out of the pages of Clean Eating's Nov/Dec issue. On the menu we will be feasting on Turkey with Fig, Apple and Sage Stuffing, Roasted Brussels Sprouts, Souffled Sweet Potatoes, Green Bean Casserole, Beet and Green Bean Salad and for desert, the ever so yummy Gluten Free Pumpkin Cheesecake. Thank you Clean Eating Magazine!!!

Here are some pictures of the holiday decorations around my house. I have my village set high up on a plant shelf all along the whole back side of our living room wall. It looks pretty at night when it's dark and all the lights are on.

 My dining table centerpiece is different this year. I usually have a floral arrangement but instead I used my large nutcracker and two candles for a change.

Below is my outdoor floral display that I have on each side of my front door. I sincerely hope you are able to relax and take in all that this season has to offer. Enjoy the decorations!

From My Family to Yours... 
Merry Christmas To All and To All A Good Night!

Saturday, December 3, 2011


Today my home staging company Be Staged participated in the annual Saint Cloud Holiday Parade. The theme of the parade was the "50 US States" and we represented the beautiful state of Hawaii. 

We decorated the car in a grass skirt and had a palm tree sitting on top of the van surrounded by a bunch of wrapped presents. Thankfully I had a crew of helpers to help drive my van and hand out candy, marketing flyers and goodies attached to my business card. It was a fun morning and the weather was perfect!
Me and my awesome friend Carrie preparing the marketing handouts the night before.

The palm tree and presents on top of the van.
The whole gang prior to the start of the parade. Thanks for all your help!

Mele Kalikimaka everyone!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Before and After...Wine Bar

 This is my latest project. I was tired of always having a messy desk in our kitchen that always seemed to collect piles of things. So my husband and I converted it into a wine/beverage bar. We ordered a custom mirror sized just right to fit our wall and once installed, it opened up the whole area dramatically. We added glass holders underneath the cabinets and I have it staged appropriately.
 From Cluttered and Drab.... to Classy and Fab! 
Cheers Everyone!!!

 Selling your house? Need Decorating Advice? How's your curb appeal?
 I can help get you from For Sale to SOLD. 
Contact Be Staged for all your home staging needs.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Happy Fall!

A few weeks ago, Be Staged was a vendor at the Saint Cloud Fall Festival. It was the absolute wettest day I have every seen in Florida, but even so, me and my 6 year old son Nicky managed to bring in all my props and supplies in the soaking rain. My table was seasonally decorated for fall with apples, scarecrows, pumpkins, and my Halloween yellow rubber duckies. I also had a kids coloring activity with a special drawing for a gift basket. All in all, it ended up being a great experience to promote my Home Staging business.

The sign on the table says"Can a witches hat and some crazy witch legs help sell your house? You bet they  can!"
It's hard to see in the photo but there are some cute little witch legs sticking out from under the table.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Home Staging Gift Basket

Next week, my city's Chamber of Commerce is having it's Annual Banquet. It will be a fun-filled evening of great entertainment, fine dining and a silent auction fund raising event. A portion of the proceeds help fund the Chamber's Scholarship Fund to assist working adults. When I heard that they were looking for donations for the silent auction I jumped at the opportunity to support a good cause.
I love putting together gift baskets so I knew it would be the perfect thing for me to donate along with a gift certificate for one of my Home Staging Services.
After looking around the store, I decided on a beautiful sea-grass blue  basket and started by putting a blue suede pillow in the basket. Next I found a super soft, luxurious throw that is a silky taupe on one side and a creamy soft shag on the other that I have cascaded over the edge of the basket to show texture and interest. I also bought 3 black soap stone candle holders of various heights, with purple cranberry fig tea lights to go inside. The candle holders were imprinted with an organic leave design on the outside and I also included an earthy wall picture in blues, greens and browns that have some cute Robin birds resting on a beautiful flowering branch. I decided not to wrap my basket in plastic wrap so that people could feel how soft the throw is. Lastly, I finished it off with 2 layers of coordinating ribbons.  
Let's hope that my basket gets many bids to benefit the Chamber's Scholarship Fund!

Selling your house? Need staging advice? A room makeover? Better Curb Appeal?

BE STAGED can help

Monday, July 25, 2011

Doors Of Vancouver

I always love coming to my home town of Vancouver in the summer. There is such a variety of architectural styles of homes throughout this great city and I couldn't help but notice all the different "doors" that stood out to me around the neighborhood where I grew up. I believe that creating a peaceful welcoming home starts with your front door. It's the focal point of your homes exterior and can definitely show pride of ownership if it's well maintained.  Here are some examples of doors that are unique and create interest as soon as you see it.

1. This is a fairly new home. I love the stone archway, however it still needs some colorful flowers on either side of the door to brighten it up.

2. I love a red door

3. Here's another red door

4. Nice arched doorway with brick work

5. Another arched doorway, this one has an awning

6. This door way is clean and has good balance

7. This is not my taste but I thought it was different


9. This is a beautiful house with great curb appeal. The window to the side of the door is pretty unique.

10. This house has great curb appeal. I like the light fixture hanging from the archway.


12. Here's a contemporary door. The round pots and flowers on the wall soften up the straight lines of the door and steps.

13. Check out this castle!

14. I love all the pots and flowering vines.

15. Another castle house!

16. Not my favorite but different

17. I love this one!

18. I love this one too! It just needs some flowers to make it more welcoming.

20. Love this large doorway with all the pots and flowers.
As you can see, the west side of Vancouver has some incredible houses. Do you have a favorite? Let me know by commenting below. 
Kim Holbrook
APSD Certified Stager Pro

Monday, June 27, 2011

Picture Makeover

This picture below just got a makeover.  The sage green color of the matting was too dark for it. So I went into the garage and found a lighter color paint sample and some black spray paint for the frame and... is the result...

Now this picture of this old European style building with all the beautiful flowers is showcased much better and the black frame gives it an updated look.  I used some paint that I already had making this makeover, fast, easy and very affordable.

Kim Holbrook
APSD Certified Stager Pro

Monday, June 6, 2011

Be Staged In Denver!

As I write this I am on an evening flight back to Orlando after a 4 day trip to Denver where I attended “STAGE”, an informative 3 day Home Staging event hosted by Marketing expert and Home Stager Karen Schaefer.

It was a jam packed 3 day event were we learned a lot about how to market our home staging business and even got a quick lesson on investing homes and how we can incorporate it with home staging. My fellow Stager Pro friends Barbara Heathcote gave an excellent talk on giving great client care, Mannie Tantawy talked about how to differentiate yourself as a home stager and also demonstrated her towel origami folding, and Mary Fitzgerald talked about marketing on a shoestring budget.  I even got to make a video for my new website, which was a little nerve wracking but I’m glad I tried it. Another bonus, my name was drawn and I won a "How To Market Your Home Staging Business On Line Training system." So I've got lots of information about marketing, which in fact, is what Home Staging is all about.
Me and Mannie, "The Staging Fashionista"

Barbara and I

APSD Founder Karen Schaefer and I
A few weeks ago, everyone with tickets to STAGE was invited to enter a contest for Best Marketing idea, Best Pocket of Emotion and Best Curb Appeal Before and After. Right before I had to rush out of there to catch my cab to the airport the announcement of the winners were made and guess who won for Best Curb Appeal? Yes, it was ME for my before and after photo submission of my front porch makeover! So, I am coming home with Vacant and Distressed home certification, a Best Curb Appeal award and a whole lot of information that I look forward to implementing into my home staging business.

A great time was had and I especially enjoyed catching up with some of my Stager Pro friends and connecting with many other wonderful APSD home stagers from all over the country. Such a fabulous group of people!
All our awesome APSD Certified trainers with Karen Schaefer

A great meal with some great friends!