Thursday, May 12, 2011

A Splash of Flowers

Below is a photo of a garden island in the front yard of a home.  There used to be an oak tree here but it was knocked down during a wind storm.  The cold winter also killed off some of the more tropical foliage and left it looking very sad.

After planting some cheery annuals and adding some red mulch, this garden landscape has gone from SAD to GLAD.  All it cost was $35 to give this front yard some splashy curb appeal.
2 weeks after planting annuals
6 weeks after planting annuals 

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  1. Absolutely beautiful!! Sad to glad is right!

  2. Beautiful Kim! Any suggestions for starting a container herb garden?

  3. Thanks Heather, Karyn and Trina!
    Trina, if you are planning on starting a container herb garden I always did well with basil in the hot Florida sun. Cilantro doesn't do well in summer, it's more of a cold weather herb. Parsley, chives, oregano and mint should tolerate the hot Florida sun. They should get about 6 hours of sunlight a day but try to keep them out of the harsh afternoon sun. If you have a tree that provides afternoon shade but still gets the morning sun would be the ideal spot for the herbs to grow. If you are looking for a great container for your herb garden I love they are self watering planter boxes that you can place where ever you want and are fairly easy to move around if you need to move them out of the hot afternoon sun. They cost about $30 each. I hope that helps and happy gardening!

  4. Very helpful tips, Kim. Thank you, I'll let you know how it goes!
